
Alter Speicher
Rossmühlenstrasse 25
03834-777 00

This restaurant, situated in the hotel with the same name and on the very edge of the town center, next to the river Ryck, has a big and tasty menu. The guest may choose to sit in the bar or in the restaurant, parts of which has glass walls and roof.

Wirtshaus Wallensteinkeller
Am Markt 3
03834-85 59 45

Wirtshaus Wallensteinkeller is part of a small chain with restaurants in Stralsund, Wolgast and Neubrandenburg. The chain is trying to create an environment reminding the guest about the days of Albrecht von Wallenstein, i.e. the Thirty Years' War 1618-1648.


Jambo is an african theme restaurant, next door to Alter Speicher.

Fischrestaurant Am Mühlentor
03834-77 12 20

This restaurant is a must for the fish lover. Greifswald is only a few minutes from the sea, which makes the fish as fresh as can be. Please note that the restaurant does not accept credit cards.